Lawbreakers' Full Content Roadmap Revealed, New Map This Month

Full content roadmap charts the path ahead.

As promised earlier this week, Boss Key has released a flood of information about LawBreakers' forthcoming content, and the good news is that new stuff will start rolling out this month. Specifically, new tutorials and a map will launch before the end of September, as well as a temporary Team Deathmatch Skirmish.
The most exciting addition is the map. Dubbed Namsan, it's set "outside a post-shattering United States" – though that's all the gosip we have right now. As for the mode, it'll be a part of the new Skirmishes special mode cycle, which features a unique mode or a limited time each month.
As for the future (ie – past September), a competitive ranked mode is coming, as is a new map designed especially for the Blitzball mode. Here's what it looks like:

The post also promises a new class by end of year, with his kit "locked and approved" internally. A new Valhalla map is coming too, and is the game's "first asymmetric map set in the Sequoia National Forest".
Boss Key will also keep optimising matchmaking, and pledges to update the game regularly in-between larger content drops.
"When we made LawBreakers, we did so with a long lifecycle in mind. We have planned and designed new features to bring new players into the action every month also to challenge and excite LawBreakers players. This dual pronged approach is actually a design philosophy that we will implement every post-launch update: make the game better for those who already have it, and to make the game more exciting and appealing for those who don’t."
You can read the full post over here.

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